Professional whistleblowing

Professional whistleblowing


The Bolloré Group prohibits all forms of corruption and influence peddling, ensures compliance with competition laws and international sanctions programs, prevents environmental damages, health and safety risks, violations of human rights and forbids discrimination, sexual or moral harassment.

This code of conduct applies to anyone acting on behalf of Bolloré and the Group encourages its stakeholders, including its employees and business partners to report misconducts using the dedicated application.

What is it for ?

Bring to the Group attention situations that may constitute a violation of the Law or conducts that contravene its code of conduct.


Who can use it ?

Any employee, business partners or anyone whose interests may be affected by the Group’s activities.


How does it work ?

Alerts are subject to an analysis of their suitability  and, where applicable, an inquiry aimed at establishing in a timely manner the occurrence of alleged misconducts.



Refer to the procedure


Which guaranties ?

The alerts are processed in a confidential manner and the whistleblowers are protected against any form of retaliation.



The improper use of the system may expose you to disciplinary actions and legal proceedings.
